10/8 Types of Selection

Over the past few lectures we have discussed various types of selection. 

Positive Frequency Dependent Selection: The higher the frequency of the allele the higher the fitness.

Negative Frequency Dependent Selection: The lower the frequency of the allele the higher the fitness. This is a form of balancing selection.

Directional Selection: Individuals with a more extreme version of a trait are favored. One way. 

Stabilizing Selection: Individuals with the intermediate or average version of a trait have the highest fitness.

Disruptive Selection: Individuals with either extreme of a trait have the highest fitness. Individuals with the the average trait have the lowest fitness. 


  1. Hi Delaney,
    I love your graphics to explain these concepts! They are very fun and helped me understand the difference between these types of selection. Great Job!

  2. Hello, Delaney

    I am unsure if you found the images or if you yourself fabricated them but regardless I believe they were great additions to what was being discussed here. If you did make them I think that is extremely talented and keep up the good work.

    Best, Carlos

  3. I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I thought your definitions were accurate and your illustrations were very easy to understand. I also like that you used multiple examples to explain the concepts. Keep up the good work!


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