9/24 Selection coefficient

In this lecture we discussed the selection coefficient. The equation used is delta p=spq

s is the selection coefficient that measures the advantage one allele has over another allele.

p is the frequency of the allele being discussed

q is the frequency of the allele not being looked at

delta p is the change in frequency of the allele being discussed

When the selection coefficient is kept at .02 and the p value is changed the above graph can be made.

delta p=(.02)(.7)(.3)=.0042

delta p=(.02)(.5)(.5)=.005

delta p=(.02)(.2)(.8)=.0032


  1. Your definitions were spot on. Great job showing the relationship between delta p and the allele frequencies.

  2. Hi Delaney!

    I really like your definitions. They are very straight forward and easy to follow. The definitions I provided in my post were very similar. Keep up the good work!


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